How to find your own hidden security cameras

   Finding interesting hidden cameras around the globe is quite easy. By using certain search queries with search engines like Google, you can find thousands of cameras in foreign countries (as long as they are online).

*Before you start, make sure that java is up to date.

1) Open up Google. Copy, paste one of the queries below into the search bar. I've labeled some of my favorite queries for you to try out.

intitle:"Live View / - AXIS" | inurl:view/view.shtml^
liveapplet                                           <---- FUN
intitle:"live view" intitle:axis
allintitle:"Network Camera NetworkCamera"
intitle:axis intitle:"video server"
intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl                      <---- FUN
intitle:"EvoCam" inurl:"webcam.html"
intitle:"Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 206M"
intitle:"Live View / - AXIS 206W"
inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
intitle:start inurl:cgistart
intitle:"WJ-NT104 Main Page"
intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
intitle:"sony network camera snc-p1"
intitle:"sony network camera snc-m1"
intitle:"Toshiba Network Camera" user login
intitle:"i-Catcher Console - Web Monitor"

2) Open up one of the search results. Usually the funnest private cameras don't have a regular address, they will be in the form of an IP-adress (ex:      or You can see the addresses under the search results if you're using Google.

3) After you open a link, you may have options to pan, zoom, choose a preset, rotate, or lighten/darken the security camera. If the controls don't already work, you may have to click the "START CONTROLS" button in the lower-right corner. The different search queries will usually bring you different controls for different types of cameras. It's always fun to make the security camera shake crazily and watch the people stare in confusion!

4) If you find a cool camera and you want to know where it's located, just enter the address into this IP-search engine. It will tell you the country, city, coordinates, and many other things about the location and specs of the camera.  


Remember to share the cool stuff you find! 

Tell me about the cool cameras you find!



  1. Great post however I found this post on much more detailed no offence lol

  2. These are cameras that are crawled you are finding. Not ever security camera is crawled. Good tutorial for beginners.
